Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Merry Christmas to all our readers

According to a piece by Dylan Evans in The Guardian, it's the end of the world as we know it:

Is it possible that global civilisation might collapse within our lifetime or that of our children? Until recently, such an idea was the preserve of lunatics and cults. In the past few years, however, an increasing number of intelligent and credible people have been warning that global collapse is a genuine possibility. And many of these are sober scientists, including Lord May, David King and Jared Diamond - people not usually given to exaggeration or drama. The new doomsayers all point to the same collection of threats - climate change, resource depletion and population imbalances being the most important. What makes them especially afraid is that many of these dangers are interrelated, with one tending to exacerbate the others. It is necessary to tackle them all at once if we are to have any chance of avoiding global collapse, they warn.

So, there you go, it's all going tits up. Merry Christmas and God bless us every one.

1 comment:

El Despiole said...

Merry Christmas to you, too. The Mayans didn't celebrate Christmas, they were Scrooges. And where are they now?
We're doomed too, because the Daily Mail says there's a ban on Christmas...