Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hypocrite lecteur, mon semblable, mon frère

Please sit down. What I'm about to reveal may shock you. You may wish to have a stiff drink handy. (I know I do.)

The media don't always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It's shocking I know but there are issues, such as the peak oil phenomenon or the slowing of the gulf stream or the melting of the west Antarctic ice shelf, that are a bit more important than Carol Thatcher winning I'm A Nobody, Let Me Die Slowly In The Jungle.

You will search in vain for this stuff in the corporate media because corporate media exists to sell advertising space, not to tell the frightening truth. It's run by people whose agendas are about making money, and it's easier to do that if you don't rock the boat or irritate the powerful. (Check out The Propaganda Remix Project for more artwork on this.)

So, dear complacent, complicit reader, enjoy the pretty baubles as the waters rise.

One site that provides an (albeit ranty) alternative view is Media Lens. Check it out (though I do find it irritating that they pick on The Guardian all the time. The Guardian are not the real bad guys. Try the Daily Mail or the Sun on for size.)

1 comment:

El Despiole said...

People will stop buying newspapers if you tell them the truth! Good post -- I'm jealous of this one.