Monday, November 07, 2005

Making the world safe for silent democracy

Oh joy. Oh rapture. Mr Tony's wacky plans to make Britain safe for democracy seem to be in trouble. For those of you not versed in the great civic freedoms of the United Kingdom, Our Great Leader has been told the police want to lock people up for 90 days without charge if they are suspected of being terrorists. Or knowing terrorists. Or liking terrorists. Or suggesting that not all terrorists are necessarily mindless automata controlled by Ayatollah Khomenei from beyond the grave.

Now, however, a few MPs have discovered the spines that went missing in the run-up to the Iraq war. Bliar's plans to rob us of the right to habeus corpus only just scraped through the Commons. The House of Lords will feel able to rip these insane proposals to shreds.

But does it not say something about the UK in the 21st century that our freedom will be protected by the totally undemocratic House of Lords?

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