I give Tony Blair a hard time. That's because he's a war-mongering, deceptive, slimeball who squandered a tremendous opportunity to change this country for the better.
But he's a million times better than the Tory Blair, David Cameron. The trick the right-wing coven behind him are trying to pull off is: 1) Sound like Blair. 2) Talk about the centre and put forward vague, centrist-sounding ideas. 4) Get into power. 5) Take the mask off.
The difference between Blair and Cameron is that Blair did not come from nowhere. People knew what Blair stood for. He was one of a group of promiment "modernisers" in the Labour Party. He took over from a leader who had sought to make the party more electable by moving towards the centre. He was surrounded by like-minded people who had been involved at the highest levels of Labour for years: Brown, Mandelson, etc. The "old" Labourites (including myself) may not have liked the shift to the Right but it was openly the Blair project. Despite the slagging he gets, Blair was
not just talk.
The only thing we know about Cameron is he dresses casual, made a half-decent conference speech and has lots of friends who hang out in Notting Hill. I'm worried by that crowd and who pulls their strings. And how far to the right they will be pulled after the election.