Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Panem et circenses

Have you heard of the power law curve? It's the law that governs blog traffic. Basically a few get lots of visitors, the rest get a trickle.

I can't help but notice that the really popular ones are all about sex. Don't believe me? Check out Mimi in New York - the alleged writings of a stripper/journalist - and the obviously fictional Belle Du Jour, diary of a London call girl.

At the risk of being juvenal, I'd also suggest that the punters also want weird stuff.

Thus, after consultation with respected experts, I have decided that the perfect blog to deliver fame and fortune would combine these elements in an extreme form.

So when you see the launch of "Morticia Delicia - the confessions of a porn star cum mortuary attendant" you will know that the next big thing has arrived in a heady mixture of embalming fluid and lube.

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